After El-hallaj and other Sufi philosophers and poets, Dhafer Youssef took his inspiration from Abu Nawas texts. The latter was a Persian poet from the VII th century renowned for his odes to wine in a conservative society.
Released in 2010, “Abu Nawas Rhapsody” is the artist’s 6th album. It is also a musical manifesto which removes the barriers between the notions of sacred and profane. Accompanied with pianist Tigran Hamasyan, Mark Guiliana on drums and Double Bass player Chris Jennings, Dhafer Youssef goes back in his album “Abu Nawas Rhapsody” to a more Jazzy and groovy style. Dhafer Youssef’s powerful voice is introduced subtly before starting a vigorous fusion with the instruments.


After El-hallaj and other Sufi philosophers and poets, Dhafer Youssef took his inspiration from Abu Nawas texts. The latter was a Persian poet from the VII th century renowned for his odes to wine in a conservative society.
Released in 2010, “Abu Nawas Rhapsody” is the artist’s 6th album. It is also a musical manifesto which removes the barriers between the notions of sacred and profane. Accompanied with pianist Tigran Hamasyan, Mark Guiliana on drums and Double Bass player Chris Jennings, Dhafer Youssef goes back in his album “Abu Nawas Rhapsody” to a more Jazzy and groovy style. Dhafer Youssef’s powerful voice is introduced subtly before starting a vigorous fusion with the instruments.